Why China?

“China’s ascension to global power is the most significant new factor in the international system in centuries.” — Fareed Zakaria, CNN analyst, in Foreign Affairs

“Washington now faces its most dynamic and formidable competitor in modern history.” – Kurt M. Campbell former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and Ely Ratner former Deputy National Security Adviser, in Foreign Affairs

“China today is undergoing a dramatic social transformation comparable in historical importance to the Renaissance in early Europe or the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth and nineteenth century Britain.” — Yu Xie, Professor of Sociology, Princeton University, in Chinese Journal of Sociology

“The Chinese Communist Party is not only strengthening an internal system that stifles human freedom and extends its authoritarian control; it is also exporting that model and leading the development of new rules and a new international order that would make the world less free and less safe.”  – H.R. McMaster, former White House National Security Adviser, in The Atlantic

“China’s emergence under one man authoritarian rule is the greatest challenge the United Sytates has faced since World War II… larger even than the Soviet threat… and larger than Islamic terrorism, which is much less complex than the multi-dimensional challenge the Chinese government is posing.” – William J. Holstein, former Beijing bureau chief for UPI, in The New Art of War

“The greatest long-term strategic threat to the United States and the rules-based international order is China.” Admiral Philip Scot Davidson, Commander of US States Indo-Pacific Command, US Department of Defense web page

“We are witnessing the resurgence of authoritarianism across the globe, and it poses a growing challenge to the very idea of liberal democracy. China, with its expanding economic, military, and diplomatic might, is at the forefront of this neoauthoritarian challenge… The United States must rise to meet this challenge—and that task begins with understanding China’s intentions and capabilities.” – Adam B. Schiff, U.S. Representative and Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in Foreign Affairs